Yet Another XML-RSS Update

Shlomi Fish on 2007-01-11T18:38:06

I received several emails about the XML-RSS grant - nothing that I have a lot to tell about. Ask has commited the rest of the changes that were present in my repository (leading to an empty diff) and then I asked him for a commit bit on the XML-RSS master repository. He set it up yesterday's night, but because of several difficulties, I could only commit this morning. I really needed this because I wanted to move files from one place to another, which isn't handled properly by unified diffs.

Today I've not felt very well, so I stayed at home, and spent some time working on XML::RSS. I've made 20 commits so far, which involved:

  1. Moving the files from under examples to under t/data.
  2. Some other build system tweaks.
  3. Made all files that were left executable in the repository non-executable as there's no reason for them to be so.
  4. Added better test coverage, according to the input of Devel::Cover.
  5. While I was in the neigbourhood, I also fixed some bugs and made some of the code more correct.

All the changes are at the moment in the trunk. Thus, my work after receiving the grant is off to a start. Friday and Saturday are the weekend in Israel, so hopefully I can get even more work done. Happy RSSing!